"Internal Perspectives" Show Opens at Hawaii Pacific University
MAY 15TH – JUNE 8TH, 2016
Opening Reception Sunday May 15th 4pm-6pm
I am pleased to announce the upcoming opening reception for "Internal Perspectives" a duo show featuring Boz Schurr and Denise Karabinus! If you are around please stop by the gallery for the show's opening May 15th from 4pm to 6pm.
The show will feature new work including drawings, paintings and printmaking. For print information and purchase inquiries please email Boz at aloha@bozschurr.com or Denise at denisekarabinus@gmail.com
Artist Statement for "Internal Perspectives":
"There is a strange disconnect between mental illness and normalcy – as if there is a stark dividing line between the two: Black and white, us and them, completely separate. I believe this arbitrary classification, ill, healthy, recovering... is very similar to how we catalog our colors: blue, red, green... The visible color spectrum reflects the human experience. An experience where colors cannot be contained as single, definable points. The spectrum is one band of ever shifting, transitioning hues, as are we – our lives and our experiences are continuous and overlapping, yet discreet.
We all exist in a world with other people. We interact daily with a wide range of personalities. It is not possible to limit your experience to “normal.” We are but one piece in the cosmos. No one exists in a vacuum. So instead of pushing past others whose mental or physical health might not reflect exactly our own, we must embrace.
We are made of many parts: our personalities, our bodies, and our world."
The Hawai‘i Pacific University Art Gallery is located on HPU’s windward Hawai‘i Loa campus, 45-045 Kamehameha Highway, in Kaneohe. Gallery hours are Monday through Saturday, 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. Parking and admission is free and the public is invited. For more information call 544-0228.
Bring your friends! Spread the word! Hope to see you there.
Have questions about this event? Email me at Aloha@bozschurr.com!